FEERUM SA is a leading company specializing in providing the best protection for stored grains, in accordance with the right to proper food and achieving adequate income from sustainable agriculture.
We offer comprehensive drying and storage complexes based on unique, innovative solutions of our own Research and Development Center and achievements of other leading research centers. Thanks to many years of cooperation with cereal producers in Europe, Asia and Africa, we perfectly understand the needs of our customers.
The protection and safety of stored grain are the main goals of our operation. We take care to preserve its highest quality and nutritional value at the lowest possible cost.
We strive to make our drying and storage complexes reliable, simple and user – friendly. We monitor the correctness of their work online all the time. As a result, our customers feel safe and our service is available to them twenty-four hours a day.
We are a loyal and reliable partner. We base our business not only on the economic calculation but also on values that are important to people all over the world. We are appreciated by customers in 12 countries: Poland, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine and Mongolia.
At present, we consider eastern markets to be the most promising, especially Ukraine. We have been manufacturing for this country for many years. Contracts with Epicentr K LLC from the end of 2018 were record-breaking in the company’s history so far, and their implementation under the supplier’s loan (the government program Financial Support for Exports), with KUKE insurance and the purchase of receivables by BGK was unprecedented in Europe. The second area of our foreign interest is the countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa region. We are currently constructing strategic grain storage facilities for a government agency from Tanzania. Sub-Saharan Africa will increase its population by another billion in the coming years. The problem of securing food is already one of the biggest problems of this society. We have the knowledge, production and logistics capabilities to accomplish a work that has not been undertaken so far – in the 20th or 21st century.