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On April 3, 2013, the Financial Supervision Commission with its registered office in Warsaw, 1 Powstańców Warszawy Square, approved the prospectus prepared in connection with the public offer on the territory of the Republic of Poland up to 200,000 series C shares, up to 200,000 series D shares and from 1 to 2,200,000 series E shares and the intention to apply for admission to trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in Warsaw 1,000,000 A-series shares, 335,000 B-series shares, 3,605,301 C-series shares, 2,942,155 D-series shares, 1 to 2,200,000 series E shares and no more than 2,200,000 series E shares rights (“Prospectus “).
This electronic version of the Prospectus has been published on the basis of art. 45 in connection with art. 47 par. 1 of the Act of July 29, 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading, and Public Companies (unified text: Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 185, item 1439). The prospectus is the only legally binding document containing information about Feerum S.A. and the shares offered by this company as part of the public offering. Investors should carefully read the entire Prospectus, in particular with the risks associated with investing in shares included in the “Risk Factors” section, and any investment decisions regarding these securities should be made after considering the entire Prospectus.
The information on this website is not intended for publication or distribution outside of the Republic of Poland. Public offer of shares Feerum S.A. is carried out exclusively on the territory of the Republic of Poland and abroad, this Prospectus can not be treated as an offer to purchase or subscribe or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for any shares of Feerum S.A. Neither the Prospectus nor the securities covered by it have been registered and have been subject to registration, approval or notification in any country other than the Republic of Poland, in particular in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2003/71 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 on the prospectus published in connection with the public offering or admission to trading of securities or the American Securities Act of 1933, as amended (US Securities Act of 1933). Securities covered by this Prospectus may not be offered or sold outside the Republic of Poland (including other European Union and North American countries), unless such an offer or sale in a given country could be made in accordance with the law without the need to comply any additional legal requirements. Each investor residing or having its registered office outside the Republic of Poland should become familiar with the provisions of Polish law and the laws of other countries that may apply to it.
The prospectus is available on the website in electronic form. Please note that documents accessed via the Internet may be subject to change or modification during the upload process. Ani Feerum S.A. neither the members of its bodies, employees, advisers nor their affiliates are liable for: (i) any discrepancies between the content of the electronic version of the Prospectus to which you obtained access, and a Prospectus in paper form or (ii) protection against viruses and other undesirable effects that may be associated with obtaining access to the Prospectus in an electronic version.