The hopper- bottomed silos with an open funnel are made on load-bearing legs or reinforced concrete pillars.
The standard offer includes silos with a hopper angle of 40˚, 50˚ and 60˚. The capacity of hopper silos with an open funnel, depending on the selected tank diameter (from 3.8 to 9.6m), is from 32 to 1153 m³, what means maximum capacity of 900 tons of wheat.
Standard silo equipment
- Silo roof
- Roof vents
- Fan connections / connections
- Roof hatch
- Side hatch
- Supporting columns of the silo
- Side sheathing of the silo
- Silo hopper
- A set of connectors
- Set of anchors fixing the silo to the ground
- Maximum filling sensor
Additional silo equipment
- Radar sensor
- Roof electric fan
- Gravity ventilation
- External ladder with hoops
- Rest platforms
- Gallery with supports for the transport
- Roof stairs
- Temperature probe with a measuring system
- Lower fan for ventilation of grain – fixed or passable
- Silo hopper air supply system
- Percentage selector
- Electric, pneumatic or manual under-silo valve
- Automatic control system
- Vibratory discharger